Sunday, May 29, 2011

The journey starts

I was excited for this course when I heard about it from Dr. Popa during our Leadership and Imagination session in January 2011.  There are tons of leadership books out there and I thought this was a unique look into what makes leaders resilliant.

I picked up all of the books and 3 out 4 made the cut in the sylabus.  The one book I read the most of which did not make the list, was "Deep Survival," Who Lives. Who Dies. and Why, by Laurence Gonzales.  It is very interesting and looks at the chemistry in the human body on why people stress and panic in difficult situations.  I would encourage anyone to read this supplement.  It taught me to know what is going on in my body when the situation arises.  If you can identify the actual body function that produces the imbalance, I think you an counter it with a mind/body strategy.

I skimmed through some of the other material and this class will be very unique.  I hope to also improve the curriculum moving forward. 

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